Big Bang and Creating Something Out of Nothing

Does Physics contradict the Bible, disagree with it, or are they connected?
Hey Andy, many Christians refute the Big Bang, saying that you cannot create something from nothing. But the Bible states, “On day one of creation, out of nothing, God created the Earth which was then covered with water.” – Genesis 1:1-2. Isn’t that the same thing?

Big Bang Theory

Hi, as I understand it (I say this because everybody I talk with about the big bang seems to change up their views on it), the idea of the big bang is that 2 or 3 nothings came together and formed everything. But if you have a bunch of nothing, then that’s all you can make — nothing.

Big BangDoes the Bible Say “Nothing From Nothing?”

Now, if what you said was true about what the Bible says, then I would explain that, unlike with the big bang, which is understood to be nothing colliding with nothing, God existed, and He created by speaking everything into existence. So with creation, there wasn’t “no-thing”, but “some-one”. This some-one created and made everything through His Word (which is Jesus, as explained in John 1).

What the Bible Really Says

So that’s what I would have explained if Genesis 1:1–2 actually said there was nothing and God created something out of nothing. However, the Bible doesn’t say that. What the Bible does say, however, is that, (v1) “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (v.2) Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” (NIV)

The Earth was Formless

So according to Genesis 1:1–2, there wasn’t a bunch of nothing, but a bunch of unorganized something.

  1. God created the heavens and the earth.
  2. The earth was formless and empty, but it was there.
  3. Darkness was over the surface of the deep (because there was formlessness to the waters.
  4. How do we know there was water? Because the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters.

What About Before the Waters?

This is where I take you back to what I would have originally told you, had the scriptures really said what you claimed they said. But according to Genesis 1:1–2, this was not the case. God created everything that exists. There are compromised answers that say God spoke and “Bang! It happened,” but the gist of it all is that God, who has always existed, created everything that exists, and He did it simply by speaking the words.

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