Hey Andy, in the Bible, Satan nearly never committed any murder. Does that make him better than God, since God at least killed 2 million people?
Well, first, the Bible DOES mention some places where God killed (smite) people. For instance:
- Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding area
- Everybody who was not on Noah’s ark(with rain, floods, and from the earth bursting open)
- Firstborns of Egypt
- Pharaoh and his soldiers who tried to chase the Israelites through the Red Sea
- A large group of Israelites who worshiped the golden calf
- God commanded His people to kill many nations upon entering the land of Canaan.
- The Lord fought for the Israelites in many of their battles.
- The Lord smite a fellow of King David’s men for touching the side of the Ark to prevent it from falling off the wagon.
- At Jesus the Messiah’s return, we know that all who haven’t accepted Him by then will be sent to the place of eternal torment.
- And no doubt others I can’t think of at the moment.
But now, let me ask you something:
If a mob boss puts out a hit on somebody, is he guilty of murder, or is only the guy who he hired guilty?
In Africa, there are many militants who kidnap children, torture them, and later put guns in their hands to go and kill others, threatening that if they don’t kill their enemies, then they’ll kill them instead. In that situation, who’s guilty of murder, the scared child, or the evil man that’s threatened the child’s life?
Jesus said that when the blind lead the blind, they both fall into a pit. This was in reference to false teachers. So if a false teacher tells unsuspected believers to do something bad, aren’t the false teachers also to blame for the evil done?
The answer to all these would be the person who ordered the hit, as well as the one instigated the crime would also be guilty, right?
The Bible says that everything that God created, He saw as “good”. So if God created humanity (and everything else) to be good, but there are obviously some people who’ve since become bad, then who do you suppose influenced them to become bad, if God is only good? Satan, right? So again, if God created everybody to be good, then how did we become not-good (for the Scriptures say that not a single one is good, and Paul says that the only way to become good in God’s sight is to believe in Christ through faith)? So how did we get to being not good in God’s sight to begin with? Right, Satan.
You see, in the Garden of Eden, God told Adam and Eve that if they eat from the fruit, they’ll surely die. From reading the Bible, we know that Satan worked through the cunning serpent who persuaded the humans to disobey God by eating the fruit from the one tree they were commanded not to eat from. So that was Satan’s first murder. And being that everybody ever to have lived in the flesh (except for Jesus) has been born with original sin, ever since that first murder, how can you say that Satan hasn’t killed anybody? Satan’s killed everybody ever to have lived, for death wasn’t even a part of creation until Adam and Eve disobeyed God, which Satan influenced to happen. Remember, neither were disobedience, sin, greed, bitterness, lying, disease, and all the things God hates throughout the Bible, especially not in the hearts of God’s creations. But once they disobeyed God by eating from the fruit, their days became numbered.
Hi Andy
I was once your Uncle Ron. I was married to Jeanie. I was recently doing some research and came across one of your articles. I am so proud of you. Keep up the great work. You look so much like your Uncle Jeff but you are built better. Don’t tell him I said that. LOL
I love Jesus and I am planning on spending eternity with him.
God bless Andy
Ron Pohala
Thank Satan that Eve ate the apple. The real savior of humanity so we had the knowledge to think for ourselves. & The apple was the knowledge of GOOD and evil. There’d be so much good that came with it we wouldn’t have. Religion is exactly what separates humanity from each other and “God”, not what reunites us.