Hey Andy, so, according to your posts, the Muslim, Buddhist, etc. will go to Hell, but you won’t because your belief in Jesus saves you?
Well, yeah, basically. I mean, you mentioned the Muslim or Buddhist because they’re popular religions, right? But how about the atheist (who worships himself or culture), or the Catholic, or the person who says he’s a Christian but really has nothing to do with Jesus, or Mormons, or Jehovah’s Witnesses? Or how about people of other religious cults that think they’re doing what God wants from them, but are really just so far off from the Truth?
If you’re going to understand salvation, then you need to understand what you’re being saved from. Most people would say “Hell”, but the real thing your being saved from is sin and the punishment of sin.
- Muhammad didn’t promise freedom from sin
- Buddha didn’t talk about freedom from sin
- Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t talk much about freedom from sin
- …neither do Mormons
- Scientology doesn’t even talk about sin (or not in relation to God)
- New Age calls sin something else and bases it on their own standards
- …and the world’s culture embraces sin.
- Atheists don’t even believe in sin.
Instead, they all talk about how to behave in order to either earn salvation. But the Bible tells us that such is impossible – there’s only one way to be atoned from our sin and that’s through faith in the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus the Christ).
And how do we learn about this Messiah who’s come and offered salvation from sin and its consequence? In the Bible, which isn’t just a book of good teachings, but is also a history book about God and His experiences with His people throughout human history. Also, unlike several religious books, the Truth, true events, actual places, and much more in the Bible has been proven to have existed (against the critics), and even been backed up by literature from surrounding cultures and nations. All the information about how to be saved from sin is also in that book.
So if you want to know God, about God, how to get to God, how to be with God for all eternity, and how to live as a person of God, then you need to read (and obey) the book that God had transcribed over theseveral thousands of years through His people, the Jews (and later, receivers of the Messiah, both Jew and Gentile), for only in it did God communicate what’s needed to be cleansed from our sin, which is needed for being “saved”. If you don’t read that book, don’t believe in the God in that book, don’t accept the Messiah who that whole book talks about and looks forward to, then you can’t expect to be saved from your sin, which is required to acquire salvation.
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