Hey Andy, I know God will forgive us our sins when we repent, but what about if you break a covenant, such as getting remarried after a divorce, and you were the one being unfaithful? Are you forgiven for committing adultery by getting married again? After all, a marriage is a covenant between the couple and God, bringing them together as one flesh.
Hi. Does God forgive all sins? Yes, and thank you for mentioning that we need to repent of our sins, first, for there are so many people who believe that God will just forgive us our sins without asking, and take out the repentance part completely, which isn’t right.
Keeping and Breaking Covenants
Let’s start with breaking covenants: the Israelites broke their covenants with God time and time again, but the Lord never left them. However, they did endure many harsh trials during their time of getting back right with the Him.
Now let’s look at the New Testament:
- Remember the woman who was brought to Jesus? She was caught literally in the act of adultery. Jesus not only didn’t condemn her, but He also forgave her. But notice, He also told her sternly to “sin no more”, or in other words, don’t do this again.
- The Apostle Paul talks on remarriage in 1 Corinthians 7. Basically, he suggests that the “unmarried” (those who were divorced) should remain unmarried. But if they were burning with lust, then it would be best that they marry (so they don’t burn in sin). But Paul also said that your new spouse should also be a fellow believer in the faith (equally yoked).
Keep in mind though that it is not through remarriage that you are forgiven, nor is the making of a new covenant to cover up the past broken one a means of setting things right. God demands your heart – He always has. True repentance is what is needed for forgiveness.
I would also suggest that you and your fiance’ engage in Christian premarital counseling through your Pastor/Priest before marrying. That will also help you learn how to keep Jesus in the center of your marriage. Also, appoint a (or several) Christian counsel(s) throughout your marriage with whom you may consult, should any doubt or the temptation to cheat ever again arise.
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