Hey Andy, how can I make my time with God more intense? I need ideas on how to make my prayer and worship time better.
Hi, to increase your time with God, the Bible tells us that we should meditate on the Word of God daily (day and night). It also tells us that His Word should always be on our lips. You know how songs often get stuck on our brains and it takes forever to get them out? That’s how God’s Word should be with us.
I’ve found that often times when I’m feeling spiritually dry, I’ll pick up the Bible and just read someplace. And when I do, it’s like the clouds parted and the sun shone through. Heck, just by opening the Bible and looking at the pages, I can feel the LIFE coming from them. The experience you’ll get by reading the Word will really overwhelm you if you let it, and Jesus will meet you there as you read them if you ask Him.
So try praying first for understanding of what God wants you to get from it, read the Bible, then pray again for understanding on how to apply it, and meditate on it throughout the rest of the day. Let what you read be what sticks in your mind. It might also help you to record your thoughts onto your phone, or write them down for later.
Finally, also in your prayer time, pray for other people. That often helps me dig deeper in my quality time with God, too.
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