Hey Andy,
From a Christian understanding, what does prayer really do, and what is prayer really about? I really am curious and I need the answers for an assignment. Also, when I say “Prayer”, I mean what does praying do for you?
Hi. Prayer is communication with God (or whoever it is that you’re praying to). But for a Christian, prayer is communication with God (Yahweh).
Prayer Like Old Modems
You’re probably not old enough to remember the old modems, but there was actually a time when, in order to get online, we actually had to use our home phones (land lines)! And, to get online, we would have to actually wait for it to go through a few steps, and sometimes we didn’t even get on! No kidding! And when you did finally get on, you’d hear a terrible screeching sound (like that of a fax), then wait for everything to load, and the browsers back then were extremely slow….and you couldn’t use your phone during the whole time you were online! Anyway, my point is that some people see prayer like that old dial-up modem system: they log on when they want something from God, then log off when they were done, and return to their lives. But for me, prayer has always been more like the Cable-modem connections that we have today in that I’m always logged on (and never have to dial up).
Prayer as 2-Way Communication
Another thing about prayer is that it’s not just me talking, but I also listen for God’s communication. Sort of like a chat board or instant messenger. It’s not just you talking. Sometimes I get an immediate answer, sometimes I have to wait for Him to answer (like when you text a friend and they take a while to answer you back).
So in summary, what does prayer do for me? It keeps me in constant communication with God.
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