Hey Andy, was there a point in your life when you started to seriously study the Bible? If yes, then please tell me about your experience. Thanks.
Hi, yes, there was actually a time in my life when I began to seriously study the Bible, but there’s a little bit of back-story to what got me there.
When I finally fully accepted Jesus, I wanted to get to know Him better, but each time I’d read the Bible, I began it like you do any book – from the beginning. But each time I’d get to the genealogies in Genesis 5-6, it was all way over my head, and I’d find myself falling asleep. So I’d close the book, return it to my shelf or headboard, and let it collect more dust until the next time I’d begin the process all over again – and this occurred several times.
A Fictional Book Called “Joshua”
One day, my mom sent me a fictional book called, “Joshua“. It was a good book, and God began to mold me some through it (I’d stopped wearing ripped jeans and, for the first time in my life, began wearing khakis, like the Jesus in that book wore). But once I was finished, I still didn’t really know much about this Jesus that I’d just given my life over to.
Finally Getting Into the Bible
Then, after talking with a friend (who I soon discovered was a minister), he had persuaded me to read the Bible (and told me how to do it). He instructed me to start in Matthew (which was new to me, because I thought you had to start from the beginning, as you do with all books), and read just 1 chapter a day. After reading it, pray for understanding, and be ready to talk about what I’d read each time I see him. This was probably about a year after I’d surrendered my life to Christ.
So I Began With Genesis
I took notes and began getting into it, but once finished with the New Testament, I realized that with all the references to the Old Testament, I should probably read it, also, if not only for better understanding of the New Testament. So I began with Genesis, and not only took notes of the events and such, but now, instead of stopping at the genealogies, I began drawing charts (family trees) of the generations, and really got into doing so! To this day, I’ve got pages taped together and pages stapled with all the genealogies from the Old (and New) Testaments, up to Jesus!
After Accepting Jesus
So I guess you could say that I began reading the Scripture (after accepting Jesus) and seriously studying the Bible, about a year after I’d accepted Jesus fully, and I did so because I wanted to know everything I could about “this Jesus-guy”. And the more I read and took notes, the more I wanted to know and know Him! I began praying more (and hearing Jesus’ replies!), finding more time to study, and sharing with others everywhere I went about what I was learning.
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