Advice For Somebody’s First Relationship

First Relationship date
Happy young couple having date and eating ice cream
Hey Andy, I’m 17 and I’ve never been in a relationship or done anything with a girl, other than talk to them. But now, I have a girlfriend, and I don’t know what to do. Do you have any advice?

Hi, well, first off, congratulations for being in your first relationship.

Keep In Mind That If She’s Dating You

Second, keep in mind that if she’s dating you, then there must be something about you that she likes, right? I’m guessing it has to do with the kind of guy you are – she likes you for you. Therefore, just be you, don’t try to be somebody else or like somebody else, and enjoy your time together with her.

She’d Dating You, Not Them

Now, on that note, your buddies will all probably tell you to do stuff with her, pushing you into it and all, and they’ll say they’re doing it for your sake — but they’re really doing it for their own reasons – they don’t have you in mind at all. So you’d be best not to listen to them (she’s dating you, not them. If she wanted you to take advice from them, she’d date one of them instead).

Think Of It This Way

The girl you end up marrying one day will much rather prefer that you weren’t with many girls before her. Sure, they want you to know what you’re doing, but they would much rather prefer you learn with them, not because you used some moves on a girl before her. So if this girl isn’t the girl you’re going to marry, then keep that one in the future in mind.

Have Fun Together

So, just be yourself, and let her get to know you as you. Have fun together, enjoy each other’s company, get intimate (but not too intimate), fall in love together, take some tips from my other answer to somebody about how to talk to girls, be somebody she can feel safe around, loved, honored, attractive, wanted, but respected, transparent with…you’ll marry your best friend, so if you are hoping that she becomes your future wife, work on that part first. And even if she’s not, still treat her the way I said. And don’t view your innocence (lack of experience) as a hindrance, but a strength.

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