Hi, wait, how can you “MAKE” yourself trust your boyfriend? Well, you can probably try a lot of things that may help, but you can’t actually MAKE yourself trust him. Either something happened in your past that prevents you from trusting people (or just boyfriends), or he did something to make you distrust him. There might also be something that’s not right that you’re seeing that’s preventing you.
A lot of us have been hurt by people in the past, making it tough to trust others, even if the person you’re currently with is the trustworthy one. But now, if you’re with the next guy – not the guy who caused you to distrust guys, but a new guy, and he loves you, then he’ll work at helping you realize that you can indeed trust him, and he won’t break that trust. In his defense though, it is really tough dating somebody who’s really insecure, so try to give him mercy and communicate with him what it is/was that he does/did that sparked your insecurities. Because you can’t actually make yourself trust him, and he has to deal with you not being able to trust him. But like I said, if he loves you, or really likes you, then he’ll appreciate you and work towards not doing that again, for your sake, and for the sake of your relationship together.
But now, if you’re with the guy who caused you to not trust, or just not to trust him, then the Lord might actually be trying to tell you something.
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