Abraham Lincoln, Civil War

Don’t Worry, I’ve Got This

September 1, 2024 Andy 0

One night, during my last semester in seminary, it rained real hard…almost hurricane-like weather – I love such weather, always have. I actually feel closer to God when it rains sometimes–so I ran home, put [Continue Reading…]

Girl praying - downloaded for free from Unsplash.com - author = Ben White

Scared As Hell

January 1, 2023 Andy 0

In Matthew 26:36-47, Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee [Continue Reading…]

praying for others
Youth Ministry

Praying For Others

October 19, 2018 Andy 0

Purpose: In this active, yet personal youth lesson, students will learn the importance of praying for others, and realize that they know a lot of people who could use prayer. May be used with either [Continue Reading…]