God Experience: No Rain at Third ACTIVATE Event

ACTIVATE Sky - No Rain

I’d originally posted this a day or two after this ACTIVATE event in 2006:

Do you want to hear about an awesome God experience? Ok, check this out…July 29, 2006, we held an outdoor youth rally in the small town of Morehead, KY.

Now A Little Background Information

While serving in Morehead, I’d started up and advised a non-profit organization called A.C.T.I.V.A.T.E., which stood for “Adolescent Christians Together In Victory Against the Enemy”. It was run by youth from youth groups spread across the county, and was originally meant as a means of getting the churches to serve together in their ministry to the area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We held a youth rally on the last Friday of every month, and oddly enough, it actually rained at EVERY ACTIVATE rally we held. The first one (May, 2006), we were inside, but it rained during and after the meeting. The second meeting (June, 2006), was our first outside one and many thought we would cancel because of the rain. But some of us prayed, the rain stopped, and remained clear throughout the whole rally. So during our 3rd rally, all of our area (according to the weather satellites) was covered with green (rain, thunderstorms, etc.). Some of us prayed that it wouldn’t rain during the event (I prayed it would rain before and after, just not during), and it did begin to rain about an hour before we were to set up, but then it stopped. As we began setting up, the sky began to clear, so much to where it was hot outside again.

The Guest Pastor Was Standing On the Stage

The guest Pastor was standing on the stage, which was on a long, steel, flatbed trailer with speakers, surrounded by electronics. As he began to talk, the clouds began to return and he became a little freaked out by them, thinking it was going to pour. But I yelled to him from the crowd, “It’s ok! I prayed for it to get darker so we could show the video!” (for the sun was too bright to show the video on the screen). So he continued. For a while though, it was really awesome, because if you looked at the clouds, you could see that above us, it was clear…the clouds were moving, but AROUND us, not over us!

Clouds Began To Get Fuller and Darker

But then, as the clouds began to get fuller and darker, one of our fellows suggested we all pray together. So all the leaders from ACTIVATE joined around in a circle holding hands, along with some other people who just wanted to join us in prayer, and prayed…and sure enough, it never rained!

It really was awesome!

Pure Praise and Worship of the Lord In Heaven

Headcount, including the numbers of people who came and went, I’d say we hit 100. Just great fellowship, making of friends, networking, and pure praise and worship of our Lord in Heaven!

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