Stop Conforming and Start Transforming

Allow Transforming

I once heard a marriage counselor on the radio say that one of the biggest causes of broken marriages is self-centeredness – when one or each of the couple says, “This is who I am, I won’t change.”

Spiritual Separation

When a couple marries, they become 1 (the 2 become 1) in spirit and in flesh. But when they prevent such transformation from God, they’re actually separating themselves from the union. When they do this, it’s like they’re actually trying to return to the one individual – as they were before they were married (the 1 return to 2). They think for their marriage to be individuals, but it actually destroys their marriage.

Focus Conversion

It’s the same when it comes to conversion from the world to Christ. When we choose with our minds not to allow God to transformation us from sin to holiness, from the world to Christ, we’re actually preventing ourselves from knowing God, from following Him, and even begin to fall away from Him. We actually hang on to what we’ve known and who we were before accepting Christ. But this is the exact opposite of what we did when we denied ourselves and chose to follow Jesus in the first place.

“Stop conforming to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s Will is—his good, pleasing and perfect Will.” — Romans 12:2

Allowing Transformation

See, when we accept Jesus Christ, we’re supposed to allow His Holy Spirit to begin transforming us from the inside-out, which sometimes begins with the mind. When this happens, we should no longer WANT to do as we did before, but now want to live for God, instead. This includes living for God in our relationships, or our marriage.

So let God renew your mind, and follow it up with your actions. How? Stop becoming like the world (again) and give yourself completely to Christ. Put Jesus in the center of your life, your relationships, and your marriage, and see the transformation that you’re allowing Him to make.

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